Two men sit on a lifeguard tower in holiday sweaters surrounded by two SUPER73 electric bikes and surfboards.

SoCal Winter Adventure Guide

Kickstands up Squad, we’re making the most of California’s winter season. We’ve compiled a list of places to explore on your SUPER73 to beat the holiday blues.
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Temperatures are starting to drop throughout the U.S., and while we have it pretty good here on the West Coast, it’s easy to feel cooped up and restless after the holidays. If you’re a California local, we’ve created a list of exciting ways to beat the seasonal depression this winter with your electric bike. So grab that gingerbread latte, get your comfiest sweater on and let’s get riding.


One of the best things about being a SUPER73 owner is the endless potential for exploration. A trip to the store becomes an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones when you’re on your bike. This winter, electrify your holiday shopping and experience the city like never before. Santa Monica is a great place for riders to enjoy high-end retail, street performances, and an epic coastline. Take a ride along the palm tree-flanked Promenade and feel grateful for the mild weather.


We can’t answer the age-old question, “what do you want for dinner tonight” that you and your significant other are no doubt fighting over, but we can help. Take in the crisp, winter air as you ride to the trendiest beachside cafes and bars that Laguna Beach has to offer. If the idea of LA makes you want to lie down with a cool washcloth over your eyes, the pace of this artsy Orange County town might be more your style. Check out Avila’s El Ranchito for killer chips and guac or Nick’s for a more elegant dining experience.


The Venice Boardwalk might be a trek, but where else will you see an 80-year-old man rollerskating in pink spandex with a parrot on his shoulder? (Don’t answer that.) Take your SUPER73 for a cruise along Los Angeles’s most historic neighborhoods and create the weirdest scavenger hunt you could ever imagine for your Squad. Bonus points for taking pictures and tagging us on Instagram so we can see your strange adventures.


The Santa Monica and San Gabriel mountain ranges both offer breathtaking scenery and exhilarating rides down paved trails and hills. Cruise by gorgeous pine trees and let the fresh air fill your lungs, we promise nature is better than anything you’re watching on Hulu right now.

Our list barely scratches the surface; get out and blaze your own trail this winter, but don’t forget to take us along for the ride.