Rider ascending a bridge ramp in a city environment


Super73 partners with retailers across the country to make purchasing easy.

Shop for a Super73 near you

If you don’t want to order online, we invite you to visit us at our Irvine Showroom in Southern California to test ride and purchase a SUPER73 in-person. We also partner with bicycle, lifestyle, motorcycle, and e-mobility retailers across the country – use the map below to find your closest local dealer and to see their current inventory of vehicles. We look forward to welcoming you to the Super Squad!

The map below is interactive and intended to be used with a mouse.

Dealer/Distributor Signups

If you are interested in becoming a dealer or distributor, please fill out the Dealer Inquiry Form and someone from our Sales team will contact you. Please note, we will only review businesses that have an existing structure of at least 1 year.

Third-Party & Self-Shipping Prohibited

Please be aware that third-party or self-shipping of any SUPER73 motorbike or battery is prohibited due to specific certifications that are required to ship our batteries. The information necessary for a 3rd party to ship our battery is proprietary and will not be provided if requested. We are not liable to accept returns for merchandise refused by a 3rd party shipper or international borders. We are not liable for any unresolved issues or parts for merchandise transported to regions we do not already ship to directly or have authorized dealers. It is the responsibility of the owner to source an e-bike specialist for repair or maintenance in an unsupported region.