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The Adventure Series ushers in a brand new season of exploration

That Crisp, New Bike Feeling

The leaves are changing, there's a slight chill in the air, and a small voice is telling you that you need to loosen up and have some fun. Usually we'd say that hearing this voice should alarm you as it means you're probably being haunted by a tiny, demanding ghost, but in this case, we think you should listen to it and get yourself one of our best-selling Adventure models this fall.

K1D product image and bike specs with $495 pricing

PedalAce's safety course offers anxiety-free riding

Ace It!

A lot can happen down the road. We're teaming up with PedalAce to offer you a comprehensive safety course so that you'll be prepared for anything. Plus, for a limited time, you can get the full course for FREE when you purchase a full-priced adult model.